MADEUP is commended in Blog North Awards

MADEUP is commended in Blog North Awards


Some very nice news today, in that MADEUP has been commended as one of the best arts and culture blogs IN THE WHOLE OF THE NORTH. Huzzah! While it hasn't made the shortlist for the Blog North Awards so won't actually win anything, the judging panel, which included Stuart Maconie, Zoe 'Girl With a One Track Mind' Margolis and digital media types from the Guardian, were goodly enough to consider me as "good enough to merit special mention" in the category. Well, that'll do, pig. The Blog North Awards was opened up to the entire top half of England this year for the first time (it has previously been a purely Mancunian event). There was literally nothing to lose by throwing my hat in the ring -- entering was as easy as just pointing the organisers in the direction of my url, and hundreds of people gave it a whirl. So it's really rewarding to see that this little one-woman site about Liverpool theatre, campery, comedy and community creations (with the odd show tune and gratuitous picture of Jon Snow thrown in), has been read, taken seriously and considered entertaining and informative enough to make the shortlist. HERE'S THE PROOF. And while you're there, take a minute to vote for super Seven Streets in the best city or neighbourhood blog category.    

REVIEW: The Yarn, Unity Theatre

REVIEW: The Yarn, Unity Theatre

REVIEW: The Alchemist, Liverpool Playhouse

REVIEW: The Alchemist, Liverpool Playhouse